摘要:Ecosystem restoration is becoming an urgent global priority to recover degraded areas,especially in tropical regions. Social participation is fundamental for the success of restorationprocesses, but it needs to be better documented. This article describes a participatorymangrove restoration process developed with two local communities inhabiting Pantanosde Centla Biosphere Reserve (PCBR) in Tabasco, Mexico. Both communities, El Palmar andTembladeras, rely on numerous ecosystem services provided by mangroves, and the premiseof the project was to closely involve them in all phases of the restoration process. During theplanning phase, dialogue with PCBR authorities and the participating communities allowedus to: (1) assess local needs and interests to determine the project’s viability; (2) performsocial and ecological diagnostics; and (3) make decisions regarding restoration actions. Withtechnical accompaniment, community members themselves executed restoration actionsduring the implementation phase. In El Palmar, people reforested an area equivalent to160 ha with 17,038 propagules of Rhizophora mangle. In Tembladeras, they manually cleaned4,942 m of natural channels to reestablish water flow dynamics across 34.7 ha. These activitieswere done in parallel with four training workshops for community members focusing onecosystem services, ecological restoration processes, and monitoring techniques. With guidance from the project team, community members conducted initial monitoring of restoration actions four months after implementation. The local communities’ participation in allstages was fundamental to promoting an integral and sustainable restoration process of thesocio-ecosystem and fostering greater awareness of the full range of services mangrovesprovide.