摘要:Small islands are of special interest for sustainable development because of their uniquecharacteristics and vulnerabilities. They are ecologically fragile, have limited resources, aresusceptible to natural disasters and climate change. This study reviews the literature on islandecosystems, their contribution in the delivery of five key Island Ecosystem Services (IES) andacting pressures and trade-offs associated with IES management. From a set of 1630 potentialrelevant papers, 273 were selected for analysis. Most of the selected papers focused on culturalIES, in the form of recreation, eco-tourism and gene pool protection. However, provisioning andregulating IES were also well represented in the literature. Most of the studies discusseddifferent management strategies and pressures arising from human use of IES. A small subsetinvestigated the links between island biodiversity and IES, and the contribution of IES to humanwell-being. This review highlights knowledge gaps in the literature and identifies the need todevelop approaches for IES assessments that are informed by local knowledge and which makeuse of empirical and spatial data for management that maximises the potential of islandecosystems to deliver IES whilst reducing trade-offs.