摘要:Effective planning of a large-scale restoration project is challenging, because of the range of factorsthat need to be considered (e.g. restoration of multiple habitats with varying degradation levels,multiple restoration goals and limited conservation resources). Ecological restoration planningstudies typically focus on biodiversity and ecosystem services, rather than employment and otherco-benefits. Robust Offsetting (RobOff), a restoration planning tool, was used in a forest restorationproject in Durban, South Africa, to plan forest restoration considering a mosaic of habitats withvarying levels of degradation, diverse restoration actions, a limited budget and multiple (biodiversity, carbon stock and employment) goals. To achieve this, the restoration action currently beingimplemented (= current action) was compared to three restoration alternatives. The three restoration alternatives included (1) natural regeneration action; (2) carbon action; and (3) biodiversity action.The results supported biodiversity action as most beneficial in terms of maximizing biodiversity,carbon storage and job creation. Results showed that investing in biodiversity action is preferable tothe status quo. RobOff ensured optimal allocation of limited resources to actions and habitats thathave a potential to achieve higher biodiversity, carbon storage and job creation.