摘要:Guayusa (Ilex guayusa) is a native tree of the western Amazon region grown by indigenousfarmers in traditional agroforestry systems. Its leaves are used as a drink similar to tea, whichis now commercialized and marketed outside of the Amazon. To assess the impacts from theearly stages of commercial guayusa production, we conducted interviews in four commercialguayusa-producing communities with indigenous guayusa farmers in the EcuadorianAmazon. We focus on their experiences and critically discuss and speculate about thesocio-ecological implications of the expanding commercialization of guayusa, particularly inrelation to propositions of this special issue. Results reveal that revenues from guayusa havenot overtaken those from other cash crops. Commercializing guayusa can have benefits forfarmers and the environment, provided that rigorous criteria that measure social and environmental impacts are adhered to. Furthermore, guaysa production is characterized by verticalintegration where many individual farmers supply one processing and wholesale company ina short value chain fostering a locally tailored certification approach that is able to exert thecontinuation of the traditional agroforestry practices. Yet, sustainability initiatives, standardsand certification only provide partial solutions for protecting ecosystem services in theEcuadorian Amazon.