摘要:Global threats to freshwater resources are prompting widespread concern about their management and implications for well-being. In recent decades, hydrologic ecosystem services(HES) have emerged as an innovative concept to evaluate freshwater resources, providingopportunity for researchers to engage in decision-relevant science. We conducted a systematic review of studies published within the last decade, documenting approaches for mappingand quantifying HES and classifying the decision context. To gauge the relevance of HESscience, we evaluated 49 case studies using multiple criteria for credibility, legitimacy, andsaliency. We found compelling evidence that much of the variability in the quantification ofHES can be explained by research motivations and scoping, reflecting the decision-orientedframing of the ecosystem services concept. Our review highlights key knowledge gaps in thestate of the science including the need to articulate beneficiaries and to make connections topolicy and management more explicit. To strengthen the potential for impact of HES science,we provide recommendations to assist researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers inidentifying goals, formulating relevant questions, and selecting informative approaches forquantifying HES. We argue that sustained progress in applying HES requires critical evaluationand careful framing to link science and practice.