标题:Ilusão participativa: estudo da experiência suíça a fim de compreender as causas da ineficácia dos instrumentos do plebiscito e do referendo no Brasil
出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:This research aims to analyze the main obstacles to the consolidation of the participatory instruments of the plebiscite and the referendum in the Brazilian reality, from the comparison with the mechanisms of direct deliberation instituted in Switzerland. Having as an option the qualitative research with comparative analysis and bibliographic research, this work examines, at first, the plebiscite and referendum institutes in Brazil, in a theoretical perspective - with the study of its normative forecast - and practice - with the investigation of its effective use at the national level since the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution. Next, the Swiss participatory model is analyzed, with emphasis on its structuring and its functioning, in order to understand, in the light of a comparative analysis, the reasons for the ineffectiveness of direct participation instruments in Brazil. Finally, the three obstacles that distance the Brazilian model from the Swiss one and result in the ineffectiveness of the plebiscite and the referendum in the South American country are evaluated: the lack of normative regulation, the restriction of the initiative and the absence of thematic specification.