出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:The present work aimed to study the fungus Rhizopus microsporus UCP 1296 isolated from the Caatinga soil, emphasizing the development and application of biotechnological processes for the production of a new collagenase. Therefore, significant fermentation parameters such as temperature, pH, culture medium and fermentation time were evaluated. Samples of the microorganism were kept at 4 °C in malt extract agar medium. The mycelium was suspended in 5 mL of a solution composed of NaCl and Tween 80. After inoculation with the spore suspension containing 150 µL (106 spores/mL), submerged fermentation was carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks containing 250 mL of gelatin. A growth curve was developed to identify the best time for enzyme production. The results show that collagenase production occurred with 120 hours of fermentation, obtaining 550 U/mL of collagenolytic activity and 0.42 g/L biomass in the stationary phase, indicating that the collagenase produced is a secondary metabolite. A 24 factorial design was carried out to select the best parameters where the influence of the variables was evaluated: temperature (ºC), pH, agitation and substrate concentration (gelatin). As a result of the factorial design, we obtained an increase in enzyme production of about 32%. This is the first study to describe optimized conditions for collagenase production by R. microsporus strains.