摘要:Studies on society and the environment interface are often based on simple questionnairesthat do not allow for an in-depth analysis. Research conducted with geo-questionnaires is anincreasingly common method. However, even if data collected via a geo-questionnaire are available,the shared databases provide limited information due to personal data protection. In the article,we present open databases that overcome those limitations. They are the result of the iTre-esproject concerning public opinion on the benefits provided by trees and shrubs in four differentresearch areas. The databases provide information on the location of trees that are valuable to theresidents, the distances from the respondents’ residence place, their attitude toward tree removal,socio-demographic variables, attachment to the place of life, and environmental attitudes. Thepresentation of all these aspects was possible thanks to the appropriate aggregation of the results. Amethod to anonymize the respondents is presented. We discuss the collected data and their possibleareas of application.