摘要:The animal tiƐƐƵĞ of the equine abdomen has two parts: NonGlandular and organ. Most equine ulcers are found among thenon-glandular ƐĞctiŽn͘ In adult horses abdomen ulcers areusually related to stress and diet. Chronic ĂĚmŝnŝƐƚrĂtiŽn of nohormone mĞĚŝcĂtiŽn drugs to boot plays a task among the eventof organ abdomen ulcers. This unhealthiness incorporates afancy AN ĞtiŽůŽŐy but aversions to indrawn ĂntiŐĞnƐ͕ usuallycontaminants of ĨĞĞĚƐƚƵīƐ (roughage) and bedding, play aheavy role. Equine internal medicine is also a VeterinarySpecialty cŽmmŝƩĞĚ to the study of horse diseases excludingpeople who want surgical procedure and ĨrƵŝtfƵů disorders.Equine internal medicine is also a term that encompasses theŝnǀĞƐtiŐĂtiŽn and treatment of diseases of the inside systems,likewise because the airways, heart, brain, liver, ŝnƚĞƐtinĞƐ͕kidneys and system.ĞƐŝŐnĂtiŽn depends on internal organ listening (wheezes andcrackles), ĞxĂmŝnĂtiŽn (increase in channel mucus, ŝrrŝŐĂtiŽn ofthe carina) and abnormal bioscience ĮnĚŝnŐƐ in metastasisƐĞcrĞtiŽnƐ (ĞůĞǀĂtiŽn in white ƐŽmĂtic cell count) obtained bybronchoalveolar ŝrrŝŐĂtiŽn͘ Our specialist’s clinicians will performa careful and thorough analysis of your horse to help verify whatfurther tests also are necessary.