摘要:In order to improve the sensitivity and reliability of traveling wave protection, on the basis of analyzing the relationship of the anti-traveling wave current amplitude in the window after the internal/external failure of the double circuit line on the same tower, a fault identification method based on EEMD energy ratio is proposed. Use EEMD decomposition to decompose the anti-traveling wave current in a time window after the fault into 7 scales, and extracts the EEMD energy ratio at each scale at both ends to form a feature vector. Then it is sent to the particle swarm optimization support vector machine (PSO-SVM) for training and testing, and the internal and external faults are identified. Experiments show that the algorithm has good fault identification ability, the fault accuracy is 95% and the method sensitivity is high.
关键词:Double-circuit lines on the same tower;Reverse traveling wave current;EEMD energy ratio;PSO-SVM;Fault identification