摘要:This paper considers the competing risks problem with randomly right-censored data. Let F(j)(t) be the cause-specific cumulative incidence function of a cause j, which is the probability of death due to a cause j by time t in the presence of other acting causes. The Aalen-Johansen estimator F(j)n is a nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of F(j). Under the assumption that all F(j)’s and a censoring distribution are continuous, asymptotic properties of the Aalen-Johansen integral s(j)n=∫φdF(j)n are investigated. Let F be the overall lifetime distribution. We show that for any F-integrable function φ, the Aalen-Johansen integral s(j)n converges almost surely as n→∞. It is also shown that under some mild integrability assumptions for φ, the joint distribution of √¯ns(j)n’s for all causes is asymptotically multivariate normal.
关键词:Aalen-Johansen estimator;cumulative incidence function;Kaplan-Meier integral