摘要:The “Global Aridity Index and Potential Evapotranspiration Database - Version 3” (Global-AI_PET_v3) provides high-resolution (30 arc-seconds) global hydro-climatic data averaged (1970–2000) monthly and yearly, based upon the FAO Penman-Monteith Reference Evapotranspiration (ET0) equation . An overview of the methods used to implement the Penman-Monteith equation geospatially and a technical evaluation of the results is provided . Results were compared for technical validation with weather station data from the FAO “CLIMWAT 2.0 for CROPWAT” (ET0 : r2 = 0.85; AI: r2 = 0.90) and the U.K . “Climate Research Unit: Time Series v 4 .04” (ET0 : r2 = 0.89; AI: r2 = 0.83), while showing signifcant diferences to an earlier version of the database . The current version of the Global-AI_PET_ v3 supersedes previous versions, showing a higher correlation to real world weather station data . Developed using the generally agreed upon standard methodology for estimation of reference ET0, this database and notably, the accompanying source code, provide a robust tool for a variety of scientifc applications in an era of rapidly changing climatic conditions .