摘要:Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoaWilld .) is an herbaceous annual crop of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) . It is increasingly cultivated for its nutritious grains, which are rich in protein and essential amino acids, lipids, and minerals . Quinoa exhibits a high tolerance towards various abiotic stresses including drought and salinity, which supports its agricultural cultivation under climate change conditions . The use of quinoa grains is compromised by anti-nutritional saponins, a terpenoid class of secondary metabolites deposited in the seed coat; their removal before consumption requires extensive washing, an economically and environmentally unfavorable process; or their accumulation can be reduced through breeding . In this study, we analyzed the seed metabolomes, including amino acids, fatty acids, and saponins, from 471 quinoa cultivars, including two related species, by liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry. Additionally, we determined a large number of agronomic traits including biomass, fowering time, and seed yield . The results revealed considerable diversity between genotypes and provide a knowledge base for future breeding or genome editing of quinoa .