摘要:Plant removal experiments allow assessment of the role of biotic interactions among species or functional groups in community assembly and ecosystem functioning . When replicated along climate gradients, they can assess changes in interactions among species or functional groups with climate . Across twelve sites in the Vestland Climate Grid (VCG) spanning 4 °C in growing season temperature and 2000 mm in mean annual precipitation across boreal and alpine regions of Western Norway, we conducted a fully factorial plant functional group removal experiment (graminoids, forbs, bryophytes) . Over six years, we recorded biomass removed, soil microclimate, plant community composition and structure, seedling recruitment, ecosystem carbon fuxes, and refectance in 384 experimental and control plots . The dataset consists of 5,412 biomass records, 360 species-level biomass records, 1,084,970 soil temperature records, 4,771 soil moisture records, 17,181 plant records covering 206 taxa, 16,656 seedling records, 3,696 ecosystem carbon fux measurements, and 1,244 refectance measurements . The data can be combined with longer-term climate data and plant population, community, ecosystem, and functional trait data collected within the VCG .