摘要:Here we introduce the LakeatLaS dataset, which provides a broad range of hydro-environmental characteristics for more than 1.4 million lakes and reservoirs globally with an area of at least 10 ha . LakeatLaS forms part of the larger HydroatLaS data repository and expands the existing datasets of sub-basin and river reach descriptors by adding equivalent information for lakes and reservoirs in a compatible structure . Matching its HydroATLAS counterparts, version 1.0 of LakeATLAS contains data for 56 variables, partitioned into 281 individual attributes and organized in six categories: hydrology; physiography; climate; land cover & use; soils & geology; and anthropogenic infuences . LakeATLAS derives these attributes by processing and reformatting original data from well-established global digital maps at 15 arc-second (~500 m) grid cell resolution and assigns the information spatially to each lake by aggregating it within the lake, in a 3-km vicinity bufer around the lake, and/or within the entire upstream drainage area of the lake . The standardized format of LakeATLAS ensures versatile applicability in hydro-ecological assessments from regional to global scales.