摘要:The FAIR Data Principles are being rapidly adopted by many research institutes and funders worldwide . This study aimed to assess the awareness and attitudes of clinical researchers and research support staf regarding data FAIRifcation . A questionnaire was distributed to researchers and support staf in six Dutch University Medical Centers and Electronic Data Capture platform users . 164 researchers and 21 support staf members completed the questionnaire . 62 .8% of the researchers and 81 .0% of the support staf are currently undertaking at least some efort to achieve any aspect of FAIR, 11 .0% and 23 .8%, respectively, address all aspects . Only 46 .6% of the researchers add metadata to their datasets, 39 .7% add metadata to data elements, and 35 .9% deposit their data in a repository. 94 .7% of the researchers are aware of the usefulness of their data being FAIR for others and 89 .3% are, given the right resources and support, willing to FAIRify their data . Institutions and funders should, therefore, develop FAIRifcation training and tools and should (fnancially) support researchers and staf throughout the process .