摘要:Naturalistic stimuli, such as movies, are being increasingly used to map brain function because of their high ecological validity. the pioneering studyforrest and other naturalistic neuroimaging projects have provided free access to multiple movie-watching functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) datasets to prompt the community for naturalistic experimental paradigms. However, sluggish blood-oxygenation-level-dependent fMRI signals are incapable of resolving neuronal activity with the temporal resolution at which it unfolds. Instead, magnetoencephalography (MEG) measures changes in the magnetic feld produced by neuronal activity and is able to capture rich dynamics of the brain at the millisecond level while watching naturalistic movies . Herein, we present the frst public prolonged MEG dataset collected from 11 participants while watching the 2 h long audio-visual movie “Forrest Gump”. Minimally preprocessed data was also provided to facilitate the use of the dataset. as a studyforrest extension, we envision that this dataset, together with fMRI data from the studyforrest project, will serve as a foundation for exploring the neural dynamics of various cognitive functions in real-world contexts.