摘要:Plasma adrenaline (Ad), noradrenaline (NA), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and cortisol responses to exhaustive incremental treadmill exercise were investigated in seven Thoroughbreds. Blood lactate (LA), heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake (VO2) were measured and their correlations with plasma hormone levels were examined. Although the magnitude of plasma Ad, NA and ACTH response to the exercise was great, that of cortisol was very slight. Plasma Ad and NA levels reached peaks at exhaustion in all Thoroughbreds. On the other hand, plasma ACTH levels reached peaks at a different time in each Thoroughbred, followed by a 10-15 min delayed peak of plasma cortisol levels. The maximal levels of plasma Ad, NA, ACTH and cortisol were significantly 300, 150, 70 and 1.8 fold higher, respectively, than the pre-exercise levels. Plasma Ad, NA and ACTH during exercise were highly and significantly correlated to each other. The noticeable increase in plasma Ad levels during exercise was characteristic of Thoroughbreds. Plasma Ad, NA and ACTH responses during exercise were significantly correlated with treadmill velocity, blood LA, HR and VO2 in an exponential manner. The threshold for blood LA was significantly lower than the threshold for Ad, NA and ACTH. In conclusion, the present data on plasma CA and ACTH responses to exercise suggest that the sympathoadrenal axis and the pituitary gland are highly activated by exercise in Thoroughbreds. In addition, it is suggested that plasma CA and ACTH levels as well as LA and HR may be useful indicators for estimating exercise stress and physical fitness in the Thoroughbred.