摘要:Based on heat conduction theory and energy conversion, the theoretical model of brake disc temperature field was established. The temperature field and equivalent Von Mises stress field distribution of brake disc during braking were investigated by using the finite element (FE) analysis. According to the thermal-mechanical coupling analysis, orthogonal optimization and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to optimize brake for reducing Von Mises stress on the brake disc. Results show that the temperature of a friction surface is high in the middle and low on both sides, with a large temperature gradient. In addition, the temperature and Von Mises stress form two extreme points in a direction of the friction surface circumference. Temperature and stress values decrease slowly along the direction of a brake disc rotation from an extreme value point, and decrease faster in the opposite direction. The maximum temperature of the optimized brake during braking is 473 K and the maximum equivalent Von Mises stress is 264 MPa. The main objective of this work is to reveal the influence of brake shoes structure and material on thermal-mechanical coupling of the brake disc to ensure famous strength that guarantees a longer life.
关键词:Brake for mine hoist;thermal-mechanical coupling;brake disc;optimized design;analysis of variance