期刊名称:Boletín de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo
出版社:University of Deusto
摘要:The aim of this study is to identify the ways in which worker cooperatives can promote labour market inclusion for migrants. To that end, first, we will refer to the legal literature that supports the suitability of the cooperative formula in order to achieve the aforementioned purpose. By means of this analysis, our main contributions will be the following: the description of the channels that worker cooperatives offer to regularise the entrance and the work of migrants in the European Union, avoiding this way different phenomena, such as, smuggling of migrants, human tracking or informal work; the description of the contribution of worker cooperatives to the integration process of migrants, paying special attention to their training-learning and their potential, the different initiatives of social entrepreneurship and the creation of networks and associations with local communities that favour the assistance, counsel and social cohesion; and the study of the ways in which Public Administrations can promote workers cooperatives taking into account their contribution to favour decent work for migrants. Received: 22 November 2021 Accepted: 10 April 2022