摘要:How can charitable initiatives be developed to stimulate individuals’ desire to donate, increase the likelihood that they will donate? The context of the research was fundraising by nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in China. We conducted two experiments with fundraising advertisements with different content in terms of temporal distances and information frames to investigate the effects on college students’ donation behavior. Study 1 used a temporal distance single-factor design; Study 2 used a two-factor (temporal distance: near, distant × goal frame: gain, loss) mixed design. In both studies, donation amount and donation possibility were used as measures of donation behavior. The results show that individuals’ willingness to donate is higher in the near distance condition than in the distant temporal condition. Also, both the amount and possibility of donations from individuals are higher under the gain frame than the loss frame. However, although the gain frame can improve an individual’s willingness to donate more than the loss frame in the distant temporal condition, there is no significant difference in the near temporal distance condition. The results suggest that by including goal-frame information about the project start time in their advertising, NPOs can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their internet-based fundraising.