摘要:This article is the result of post doctoral research, whose objectives were to discuss the contributions of the investigation of pedagogical practice, as a possibility to improve the quality of teaching-learning and Teacher Professional Development Teacher Professional Development (TPD) of teachers educators’s (TEs) in undergraduate courses, and to analyze the current conditions for the promotion of TPD, questioning them in the light of the experience of other contexts, with emphasis on the European experiences of the University of Minho, Portugal and the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), in Finland. In the current case, we will present a cutout, whose objective was to identify the possibilities and challenges for the development of research on pedagogical practice by the trainers, in order to reflect on the actions we have and the ones we want. In this qualitative research, (auto)bio-graphical narrative was used as a research approach, and was collected from teachers who work with teacher education, five of whom were Brazilian teachers. The multiplicity of actions in the tripod, research, and extension in verticalized teaching from high school to graduate school, along with the absence of training, weakens the materiality of educational research. The implementation of study groups can ease the challenges.
关键词:Pedagogical ResearchTeacher EducatorFederal InstituteTeacher Training