标题:A Critical Exploratory Study Of Plagiarism: The Perceptions And Awareness Of ESL Tertiary Level Student Across Public And Private Sector Universities In Pakistan
摘要:Plagiarism is considered an endemic problem among the students across the globe (Razera, 2011). Various studies have confirmed the growing trend of this academic dishonesty among the students at universities (Flint, Clegg, and Mcdonald, 2006; Larkham and Manns, 2002; Roberts and Toombs, 1993). This study is primarily aimed to examine the students’ awareness and their perceptions regarding plagiarism at public and private sector universities in Pakistan. Quantitative approach was adopted in this study. The current study sampled (n=160) students at public and private sector universities in Central Sindh Pakistan. The sample was chosen randomly from different departments. Data was collected through close ended questionnaire. The tool of this study was adapted from the published study of Zakaria Abukari (2016). SPSS software was used in data analysis. As regards plagiarism, the results revealed a high-level of awareness among the students at Private Sector Universities. The findings of this study further suggest high frequency of the practices of plagiarism among the students at public sector Universities.
关键词:plagiarism;SBBU;FAST;Public Sector University;Private Sector University