摘要:Cloud federation is a new paradigm for implementing inter-cloud services. Although many types of research have been conducted in cloud federation resource management to realize this technology, due to cloud providers' independence, self-interestedness is always a threat to the cloud federation's integrity. Indeed, rationality gets cloud providers to be a free-rider in a federation. Some proposed solutions exist aiming to deploy the integrity in Cloud Federations. Due to the well-known capabilities of game theory for the mathematical modeling of the interactions between rational and intelligent decisionmakers, this mathematical tool has been wildly used in recent research to provide a solution for the federative cloud integrity problem. This research reviews the game theory-based approaches in the cloud federations integrity issue. It compares them based on federation architecture, integrity perspective, freeriders detection, smart pricing, and evaluation (simulation). Finally, we have also discussed limitations and open issues in this domain.
关键词:Cloud Computing;Cloud Federation;Integrity;Game Theory