摘要:Linguistics heterogeneity and multilingualism is a world-wide phenomenon in this modern era. Pakistan is a multilingual region and there is a large population of speakers who use Punjabi language. They are semi-speakers of Punjabi because they are not proficient in this language but use it occasionally. This study aims to describe and investigate multilingual situation among Punjabi speakers who are losing their language and using other languages like Urdu, English and Arabic in different functional domains. This study is an effort for investigating Punjabi language vitality in Punjab. This article identifies the domains where Punjabi is used and also those domains where other languages are utilized. The researcher used randomly selected sample of 132 participants for this study and a questionnaire was used under survey technique of research for collection of data. The findings of this study can be concluded that Punjabi speakers in Pakistan are part of a multilingual speech community where their mother tongue has not gained high status and they are semi-speakers of Punjabi. As a result, they acquire other languages and switch to them depend upon in which context or domain they are to talk. Most of them use Punjabi, Urdu, English and Arabic in different specific domains. Multilingualism and code switching of these Punjabi semi-speakers for the purpose of using languages in their certain domains have been resulting in reducing and weakening the vitality of Punjabi language in their speech community and language shift is happening from Punjabi to Urdu and English.
关键词:Multilingualism;semi-speaker;code-switching;domains of language use;Punjabi