摘要:The study investigated parental engagement as a predictor of achievement orientation of lower basic school children in Enugu State, Nigeria. The study was guided by seven research questions and seven null hypotheses. The population of the study was 29,973 lower basic primary five pupils with a sample of 1,440 drawn using multi-stage sampling procedure. Two instruments, Parental Engagement Questionnaire (PEQ), and Achievement Orientation Questionnaire (AOQ) were used for data collection. Internal consistency reliability estimate gave the coefficients of 0.70, and 0.89 for PEQ, and AOQ respectively. Simple regression analysis was used to answer the research questions while t-test associated with regression and Fishers’ 2 transformation score were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The researchers found that parental engagement significantly predicted achievement orientation of lower basic children in Enugu State, Nigeria. Parents’ education was significant moderator of children’s academic achievement orientation. It was recommended among others that parents should always involve their children in educative talk on the importance of dedication and high achievement in their academic pursuit for smooth academic achievement orientation and transition. Furthermore, the school guidance and counselor should assist the parents and the teachers to properly help the children to record high academic achievement orientation through properly structured career orientation practices and services.
关键词:Parental Engagement;Achievement Orientation Lower Basic School Children