摘要:Education for sustainable development is universally recognized in the current times to achieve sustainable development goals. The importance of this can be seen in the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development from 2004 to 2014. There is a dire need to align higher education towards its preparation for achieving the Sustainable Development 2030 through the transformation of its curricular and co-curricular activities. The purpose of the study was to critically explore the steps taken by the Higher Education institutions for attaining these goals. The study was conducted under the interpretivism paradigm. The design was transcendental phenomenology and the methodology was qualitative. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data from nine purposively selected participants. The data were collected from six-voice chancellors (VCs) from the different universities located in Punjab. In the initial phase, codes were developed based on collected data and in second phase four (HED (Higher Education Department) & SDGs, Journey towards 2030 Agenda, SDGs Possible Through Education & Status of Pakistan & Agenda) themes were finalized during thematic analysis. There is a calamitous time to set a new policy for the SDGs strategies of the Higher Education department to attain SDGs.