摘要:Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Des) is basically a pillar of economic activity in villages that function as social and commercial institutions. BUM Des as a social institution must take sides with the community's interests through its contribution to the provision of social services. The way BUM Des works is by accommodating the community's economic activities in an institutional form or business entity that is managed professionally but still relies on the original potential of the village. This can make community businesses more productive and effective. This study aimed to find a strategy for the institutional development of Village Owned Enterprises (BUM Des) in the city of Banjar. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach using case study methods. The results showed that the institutional capacity development of Village-Owned Enterprises in the city of Banjar at the individual and organizational level was still not optimal due to human resources, budget, and limited facilities and infrastructure factors; coordination between sectors has not been effective, SOPs and work structures have not been implemented effectively, and the understanding, capability, commitment and leadership quality of BUMDES are not optimal. The study also revealed that an effective strategy for developing BUM Des is to diversify strategy at the individual and organizational levels, and the Alliance strategy through the formation of an Integrated Team is expected to be able to play a fundamental role in embracing all parties involved in the development of BUM Des in Banjar City.