标题:Demystification of Cultural Psychology in Taufiq Rafat’s Poem “Wedding in the Flood” through Barthesian Model of Five Codes: A Structuralistic Critique
摘要:The present study encompasses the scrutiny of Taufiq Rafat’s poem “Wedding in the Flood” from his anthology Arrival of the Monsoon: Collected Poems (1947-1978) using the theoretical lens of Roland Barthes’ five codes – hermeneutic, proairetic, semantic, symbolic and cultural – of interpretation. The step-by-step method of textual analysis proposed by Barthes in his book S/Z is applied to this poem to resolve its hidden mysteries through these codes. The hermeneutic code floods the reader’s mind with questions regarding the genre, title, theme, writer’s take on the topic, and the storyline involved in the poem. The proairetic code engages the action and reaction series employing the five elements of plot, exposition, complication, conflict, falling action, and resolution, to arise suspense, enigmas, and prediction of the probable outcome on the part of the reader providing answers to the basic queries. The cultural code explains cultural jokes, proverbs, conventions, psychologies, and traditions found in the narrative. The semantic code suggests the major theme of the poem as the happy post-marital survival of the bride while the symbolic code discloses other themes, on a wider scale, stemming through literary elements of binary opposition including the theme of dowry, professional selfishness, and expectation versus reality. This paper aims to demystify the hidden mysteries underlying the poem and make it comprehensible for a general reader.