摘要:Over the last few decades, it has become evident that innovative technologies have progressed exponentially particularly in the field of computing. Open Government Data (OGD) is a widely used approach that has generated numerous benefits for both the government and the general public through computing discipline. A number of theories and models have been proposed for the adoption of technology for innovative products and services. Some of the popular models that are considered significant for technology adoption include the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Theory of Reasoned Actions (TRA), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), Combined Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior (C-TAM-TPB), Model of Personal Computer Utilization (MPCU), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT). Individual perspectives are studied using models such as the TAM, TPB, TRA and UTAUT. The study of both individual and organizational perspectives is necessary to understand OGD adoption in government entities at Kathmandu. As a result, the researchers in this study have integrated UTAUT and TOE framework together because they respectively study the individual and organizational aspects. The main objective of this study is to propose an integrated based framework that can identify the key factors that influence the adoption of OGD in government entities. As a primary objective of this study, the integrated framework is expected to serve as a reference model for government entities in handling OGD-related projects.
关键词:Open Government Data;TOE;UTAUT;Technology Adoption