摘要:Social structure in which human beings live is a major source of their personality development as well as mental satisfaction that leads towards a happy life. Such a smooth personality development as well as mental satisfaction can become a source of achievments in their economic and social life. Educaitonal institutions are reflection of social system but these are not the only sources of personality development and academic achievment. Social setup in which students live is also equally responsible for students academic achievement. This research was an initial step towards analysis of effects of social factors on students social satisfaction and also its effects on the students academic achievment. This research has got a sample of 900 participants and after necessary cleaning of data found a sample of 777 (Seven hundrend and seventy seven students) from six different universities of punjab, Pakistan. The research has used seven (07) point likert scale questionnaire, using exploratory (for instrument development) and confirmatory factor analysis. The research found that social support and gender discimination both have significant effect on social satisfaction of student as well as on academic achievement. But on the other hand access in community have minor but significant effect on students academic achievement.
关键词:social factors;gender discrimination;access in community;social support;student satisfaction;academic achievement;structural equation modelling