摘要:The women of reproductive age and children under-5 are most vulnerable and easily affected by malnutrition. Particularly, those belonging to lower socioeconomic classes commonly suffer from malnutrition because of an unbalanced diet and a lack of food diversity. It has been further noticed that malnutrition problems are generally severe among pregnant mothers. In this cross sectional study data was collected about the socioeconomic conditions, maternal and child health feeding habits, current nutritional status of married women and children under five and awareness level of respondents in the target area of selected village. The information collected in this household survey was used to determine a linkage between the effect of the availability and diversity of foods, dietary habits, Breast feeding, complementary feeding practices and living conditions and hygiene on the prevalence of malnutrition among mothers and children. The results illustrated that most of the respondents belonged to lower socioeconomic status. The data showed that (38.1%) women have no formal education; only (31%) women possess primary education followed by (24.4%) have secondary education. A substantial proportion of household (39.1%) had monthly income less than Rs 20000 whereas 60.9% of households had monthly income ranging from Rs. 20000 to 50000. The data further showed that 14.7% of the sample households owned cultivable land and a smaller percentage were growing their own vegetables. This baseline survey noted that 19.8% households are rearing animal and poultry at their homes. The joint family structure prevails in majority of the respondents as 65 % of sample households lives jointly whereas 34.5% are living as nuclear families.