标题:Collaborative Governance Model Of Drinking Water Supply And Services In Tangerang District: Study Of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Between Tangerang Regency Government And PT. AETRA Air Tangerang
摘要:The need for drinking water is a very important need for the community and is the government's obligation to fulfill it, and the right to fulfill drinking water is guaranteed by law. The management and supply of drinking water in Tangerang Regency is carried out on the basis of Tangerang Regency's Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2010 concerning the Implementation and Provision of Tangerang Regency's Regional Drinking Water. Due to the high demand and the limitations of the Regional Government to meet the limited drinking water needs of all Tangerang Regency people, the Tangerang Regency Regional Government cooperates with the private sector, namely PT AETRA Air Tangerang in the form of Public Private Partnership (PPP). This study focuses and aims to examine and analyze the factors that influence the effectiveness of collaborative governance in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the Government and PT AETRA in the provision and service of drinking water in Tangerang district using the Collaborative Gocernance theory proposed by De'Seve (2007), as well as formulating a collaborative governance model simulation with the dynamic system method. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, and the technique of formulating a model simulation with a dynamic model system. The results showed that the concept of collaborative governance in the implementation of Public-Private Cooperation in the fulfillment of drinking water in Tangerang Regency was not effective due to network structure factors that were still hierarchical, lack of governance certainty, uneven distribution of accountability and responsibility, information sharing that was still constrained by the system, and resources that are not optimal, both human and financial. This study also succeeded in describing a collaborative governance simulation model in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) program in the provision and service of drinking water in Tangerang Regency with a dynamic model system.
关键词:Public Private Partnership (PPP);Collaborative Governance;Supply and Service of Drinking Water