摘要:Since the CSR of organizations is nowadays widely attended, the object of this research was to investigate football social responsibility. The sample consisted of 13 experts who was selected through purposed and snowball sampling. Research data were extracted through interviewing, reviewing documents and studying theoretical foundations .Data was analyzed through coding in three stages coding include initial, focused and theoretical. According to the results, in coding, 346 codes categorized in 32 concepts, 14 sub categories and 5 main categories. Though, most researches that are done in the field of social responsibility, emphasize the role of economics of football on society's development, the results of this research, showed that before developing the social and cultural role of football in developing societies, economic development in within the framework of football social responsibility is a bit unrealistic. As far as trying this way too, does not fit very well with the realities of such societies.so, thus it is suggested that football organizations in these societies including Iran, within framework of their social responsibilities, emphasize more on social and cultural development. This results challenges current approach of researchers of sports economics, marketing and sociology and managers and officials of football organizations to help economic development and promoting social welfare. Key words: Economy, Marketing, Sociology, Social welfare.