摘要:A novel approach of bioactive lipid extraction by different green solvents was carried out on squid (
Doryteuthis gahi) by-products. By-products (viscera, heads, skin, tails, etc.), considered as a single product, were subjected to the following solvent systems: ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, 1/1 ethanol/acetone, 1/1 ethanol/ethyl acetate, and 1/1 acetone/ethyl acetate. Analyses carried out included lipid yield, lipid class content, and fatty acid (FA) composition. Results were compared to the lipid extract obtained by the traditional procedure (1/1 chloroform/methanol). Lipid yields obtained by green solvents led to a 33.4–73.2% recovery compared to traditional extraction; the highest values (
p < 0.05) were obtained by ethanol-containing systems. Compared to the traditional procedure, ethanol systems showed an 85.8–90.3% recovery of phospholipid compounds and no differences (
p > 0.05) in the ω3/ω6 ratio. Green-extracting systems led to higher average values for eicosapentaenoic acid content (15.66–18.56 g·100 g
−1 total FAs) and polyene index (1.93–3.29) than chloroform/methanol extraction; differences were significant (
p < 0.05) for systems including acetone and ethyl acetate. No differences (
p > 0.05) were detected for docosahexaenoic acid content between the traditional procedure and green systems, with all values being included in the 31.12–32.61 g·100 g
−1 total FA range. The suitability of EtOH-containing green systems for extraction of bioactive lipid compounds from squid by-products was concluded.
关键词:Patagonian squid;by-products;bioactive lipids;green extraction;ethanol;acetone;ethyl acetate;phospholipids;PUFA;ω3/ω6 ratio