摘要:This study aims to examine the relationship between the feminism of the board of directors, the audit committee, and corporate social responsibility on firm value in family firms in Indonesia. In this study, firm value is measured by Tobin's q ratio. This study uses the purposive sampling method to determine the number of samples to be studied. The sample used in this study amounted to 59 family companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that issued financial reports for the 2013-2017 period so that the total data observed was 295 companies. The data analysis method uses panel data regression using the Eviews application. The results showed that the feminism of the board of directors had a negative effect on firm value, while the audit committee did not affect firm value. On the other hand, corporate social responsibility has a positive effect on firm value. This study contributes to the development of the corporate governance literature by explaining the effects of gender diversity and audit committees on the value of family firms.
关键词:Female directorship;corporate governance;firm performance;corporate social responsibility