期刊名称:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
出版社:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
摘要:The influence of broadcast and print media on a person's reputation by instilling a widespread sense of guilt or innocence before, or after a court of law judgment was referred to as a "trial by media" in the early decades of the twenty-first century. This term was coined in the early decades of the twentieth century. The ordinary guy has been accelerated by the media, which has given them a voice. When a significant subject is presented before even the court, the public is likely to become more interested. The public is constantly looking for interesting news, so the media, including publications, broadcast networks, and news websites, keep publishing their accounts of history. Investigative journalism is a legal practice in India. There have been numerous examples in recent years where the media judged a perpetrator's trial and gave a verdict in front of the court. The Supreme Court stated that journalism and the judiciary are separate bodies with separate duties that do not overlap. One could never, and hence cannot, rely on the other to fulfill his or her responsibilities. It was suggested that the journalist should stick to their profession of journalism rather than operating as a specialized organization for the court. This research reveals how the biased character of some media coverage renders freedom of expression a barrier to the rule of law. It is necessary to strike a balance between the right of the victim to a fair trial and the freedom of the press. As a result, the media possesses great power that can subtly influence a case. The issue is not with the media uncovering societal wrongdoings. The issue occurs when they exceed the privileges granted to them and do actions that they should not. The fine line between "innocent until proven guilty" and "guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" is readily crossed, jeopardizing a trial. To avoid media trials eroding people's civil rights, steps must be taken, such as providing a clear picture of the media's duties and responsibilities and empowering courts to punish those who blatant disobey them.
关键词:Media trial;Freedom of Speech And Expression;biasness;Misuse by media houses