期刊名称:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
出版社:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
摘要:Cervical Cancer is considered to be one of the most common cancers in India which can be prevented if detected earlier during the latent period.Papanicolaou (PAP smear) is an effective method which is widely used for early screening of cervical cancer; identification of cervical pathogens,it further permits evaluation of hormonal function from the lateral vaginal wall smears.The routine conventional method involves immediate fixation of cervical smear in 95% ethanol ( Wet fixed smears) Alternate method of the same includes rehydrating air dried smears followed by staining. MATERIALS AND METHOD:The study was carried out in the Department of General Pathology,Saveetha Dental College.Cervical smears were collected from 20 random female subjects from OG- OPD ,Saveetha Medical College.Two slides were prepared from each subject: One was immediately fixed in 80% isopropyl alcohol, the other slide was air dried at room temperature.Air dried smears were rehydrated within 24 hours using coconut oil for 15 minutes followed by fixation in 95% ethanol which were then coded separately with blinding method and stained with standard PAP staining method.Both the set of slides were sent to laboratories and the cytomorphological parameters were examined by the cytopathologists.Method of scoring system used was the Likert scale grading system. Graphical representation of the data was done. The results showed 100% positive response for processing and presentation in air dried smears rehydrated with coconut oil when compared with 67% of positive response was obtained for processing and presentation in conventional wet fixed smears. However, there were no significant difference in nuclear details,cytoplasmic details and background staining between both the methods.Hence,Air dried smears are found to be especially useful in markedly haemorrhagic or inflammatory smears . CONCLUSION: It can be used as an alternative method in case of emergencies. It is a simple ,feasible,reliable technique which can be used for the evaluation of cervical smears on a regular basis.