摘要:This paper shows the discourse analysis among students during a laboratory practice using the Software SDIS-GSEQ; the cooperation and teamwork among students are analyzed through their discursive participation in order to streamline their learning and performance in a laboratory practice. The study group consisted of students from the second semester of Biology of Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, in Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. The process involved the creation of an instrument in which a set of categories were articulated and a verbal subsystem with subcategories was defined based on the discourse; the software SDIS-GSEQ was used and it established the categorical sequences that were present in the interaction of students during the practice. The results show inhibitory and excitatory categories, as well as flows and cycles of discursive interactions, the latter of which is defined as static and dynamic; the results also include complex discursive cycles, from using the text book, which show a lack of understanding of such text book.
关键词:Educational Research; Discourse Analysis; Teaching and Learning Process; Knowledge Production