摘要:Gamma-glutamylcysteine (γ-EC) is an intermediate generated in the de novo synthesis of glutathione (GSH). Recent studies have revealed that the administration of γ-EC shows neuroprotective effects against oxidative stress in age-related disorders and chronic diseases like Alzhiemer’s disease in model animals, which is not expected function in GSH. A phytochelatin synthase-like enzyme derived from Nostoc sp. (NsPCS) mediates γ-EC synthesis from GSH. To achieve low-cost and stable commercial level supply, the availability of immobilized NsPCS for γ-EC production was investigated in this study. Among the tested immobilization techniques, covalent binding to the cellulose carrier was most effective, and could convert GSH completely to γ-EC without decreasing the yield. The stable conversion of γ-EC from 100 mM GSH was achieved by both batch repeated and continuous reactions using the immobilized NsPCS on cellulose sheet and column shape monolith, respectively. The immobilization of NsPCS on those carriers is promising alternative technique for high-yielding and cost-effective production of γ-EC on its commercial applications.