摘要:AbstractWe introduce a new closed-loop architecture for the online solution of approximate optimal control problems in the context of continuous-time systems. Specifically, we introduce the first algorithm that incorporates dynamic momentum in actor-critic structures to control continuous-time dynamic plants with an affine structure in the input. By incorporating dynamic momentum in our algorithm, we are able to accelerate the convergence properties of the closed-loop system, achieving superior transient performance compared to traditional gradient-descent based techniques. In addition, by leveraging the existence of past recorded data with sufficiently rich information properties, we dispense with the persistence of excitation condition traditionally imposed on the regressors of the critic and the actor. Given that our continuous-time momentum-based dynamics also incorporate periodic discrete-time resets that emulate restarting techniques used in the machine learning literature, we leverage tools from hybrid dynamical systems theory to establish asymptotic stability properties for the closed-loop system. We illustrate our results with a numerical example.
关键词:KeywordsApproximate dynamic programmingconcurrent learninghybrid systemsLyapunov theory