出版社:Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Economics and Tourism 'Dr. Mijo Mirkovic'
摘要:Using the Community Innovation Survey data, in this paper we explore the external and internal drivers influencing the four types of eco-innovation in the Baltic manufacturing sector. For this purpose, we estimate a quadrivariate probit model to reveal potential complementarities across the four types of eco-innovation and identify the differences among sectors and countries. The empirical findings show that: i) some factors such as future eco-policies and voluntary actions are significant for most categories eco-innovation; ii) cost saving is the main driver for the eco-process; iii) government grants, subsidies or other financial incentives and current regulation are never significant and finally iv) cooperation is a crucial driving factor for the productive process.
关键词:multivariate probit model
;external drivers
;internal drivers
;manufacturing sector
;Baltic area