摘要:The deficiencies of mineral elements, change the development of plants in a broad sense, and therefore may alter the growth and fruit quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of macronutrient and boron deficiencies on morphological characteristics of “Jupi” pineapple fruits. The treatments complete, -N, -P, -K, -Ca, -Mg, -S and -B were applied as nutrient solutions in plastic pots with 14 kg of purified beach sand and one pineapple plant as the experimental unit. The trial was set up a randomized complete blocks design with six replicate. Nitrogen deficiency reduced fruit mass with and without crown, fruit length and diameter and peduncle diameter, increased TA, TSS and vitamin C, reduced TSS/TA, pH, pulp coloration and sensory acceptance of the fruits; phosphorus deficiency reduced fruit mass with and without crown, fruit and crown length, potassium deficiency reduced fruit mass with and without crown, length and diameter peduncle and calcium deficiency reduced peduncle diameter. Peel thickness was not affected by any deficiency. Nitrogen is the nutrient that most influenced the fruits quality of pineapple “Jupi”.