摘要:The aim of this study was to describe motives that lead adolescents to read,or which make them refuse to read. Furthermore, it aimed to find out potentialdifferences in motivation and reading preferences due to age group. Totally375 respondents participated in this study from which 130 (34,66%) werereaders. Reading motivation was measured by the Motivations for ReadingQuestionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motives that lead adolescents toread or which make them refuse to read were detected with open questions.Results show that there are no differences between younger and older adolescentsin reading motivation. The most common reading motives in younger readers were:reaching new information from books, opinion, that reading is a funny andinteresting activity and reading represents an opportunity to escape from thereality for a while. In the group of older adolescents were most common motivesreaching new information, the way how to relax and escape from the reality.Non-reading younger adolescents refuse to read because they are not interestedin reading, they consider the book boring and they do not have the will to read.Older adolescents do not read because they consider reading as a boring activityand they do not have enough time for it. The most popular genres among youngerreaders are the adventurous genre, fantasy, and novels for girls. Older readersprefer the adventurous genre, fantasy, and detective novels.