摘要:This article considers one of the famous domestic «noble nests» − the Penza Territory. The authorscharacterize the specifics of the local nobility; analyze his assessments in various sources (memoirs, works oflocal historians, etc.).The main attention in the study is paid to the history of two brothers − Mikhail Nikolaevich andLavrenty Alekseevich – genus of the ancient noble family of the Penza province of the Zagoskins and the«fate» of their family estates. M.N. Zagoskin – historical novelist, author of the famous literary works«Roslavlev, or Russians in 1812», «Yuri Miloslav, or Russians in 1612», etc. L.A. Zagoskin, a naval officer,a traveler, became famous for his studies of Russian America - descriptions and maps of Alaska, the AleutianIslands, and Northern California. The brothers were born in the province: M.N. Zagoskin – in the villageTuzhilovka (near the village of Ramzai); L.A. Zagoskin – in village Nikolaevka (near the village of Zagoskino).The authors describe the Zagoskin estates, which were characteristic examples of architectural andurban planning activities of that time and typical manor noble farms of Central European Russia. The nobleestate, as a rule, included a manor house, a manor park, outbuildings, etc. In addition, the article considersthe history and modern state of the building of the Museum of Folk Art in Penza, which in the XIX century.belonged to the cousin of the Zagoskin brothers Varvara Nikanorovna.The use of manor buildings after the Soviet period is being studied, issues of preservation andprospects for the restoration of the noble Zagoskin estates as part of the cultural and historical heritage of thePenza region are being touched upon.