摘要:The developments of technologies applicable to cyberspace and outer space offer new opportunities. Each nation, institution, and individual must be involved in the security of cyberspace in order to secure outer space activities, while reinforcing the legitimacy of that commercial process. The stories that follow consider the intersection of outer space law and cybersecurity, describing vulnerabilities and the limitations of implementing international norms. The article assesses the cyberthreat landscape while offering recommendations. The article's subsequent sections are organized as follows: Part II, The Cruel Sky, considers a historical mystery to better understand the contradictory world of cyber operations. Along the way in looks at humanity and its role to play. Part III, the Human Condition, takes a closer look at activities on and near Earth. In particular, it assesses a potential computer fraud originating from outer space. Part IV, Reach for the Stars, treks in search of recommendations for the safety and future of space exploration.