出版社:International Institute for Science, Technology and Education
摘要:This study examines the youth’s moral behavior role of family inspiration in Bangladesh. Most young people grow up with various problems, but some parents may want or need additional help to support their children, particularly in coping with issues that can become exacerbated during these teenage years. Parent-adolescent turmoil was supposed to be a normal occurrence triggered, in part, by raging hormones, dramatic physiological changes, re-emerging sexual impulses, and rapidly changing social expectations for the young. These research major findings are the majority of youths have lack self-confidence; modern technology affects the aggressive moral behavior of youths. Behavioral pattern and corrupt leaders and social system influence of youth’s illegal and anti-social activities. Low socioeconomic status increases the high rate of attempted suicides, smoking, and drinking. It can also lead to a high level of emotional behavior including anxiety, depression, mental disorder, aggression, and antagonism of youth’s moral behavior..
关键词:Moral behavior;Socio-economic status;Adolescents;parent’s child relationships;peer group