期刊名称:International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
出版社:Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES)
摘要:This paper presents an intelligent of single axis automatic adaptive photovoltaic solar module. A static solar panel has an issue of efficiency on shading effects, irradiance of sunlight absorbed, and less power generates. This aims to design an effective algorithm tracking system and a prototype automatic adaptive solar photovoltaic (PV) module connected through internet of things (IoT). The system has successfully designated on solving efficiency optimization. A tracking system by using active method orientation and allows more power and energy are captured. The solar rotation angle facing aligned to the light-dependent resistor (LDR) voltage captured and high solar panel voltage measured by using Arduino microcontroller. Real-time data is collected from the dynamic solar panel, published on Node-Red webpage, and running interactive via android device. The system has significantly reduced time. Data captured by the solar panel then analyzed based on irradiance, voltage, current, power generated and efficiency. Successful results present a live data analytic platform with active tracking system that achieved larger power generated and efficiency of solar panel compared to a fixed mounted array. This research is significant that can help the user to monitor parameters collected by the solar panel thus able to increase 51.82% efficiency of the PV module.
关键词:adaptive solar photovoltaic;internet of things;monitoring system;real-time;solar tracker;web-based