标题:Assessment of Agricultural Technology Information Centre of Assam Agricultural University on Personal and Economic Empowerment of Farmers in Jorhat, Assam
期刊名称:Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:The present study was carried out with the objective to assess Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) of Assam Agricultural University (AAU) on personal and economic empowerment of farmers in Jorhat district of Assam. A random, purposive cum snowball sampling technique was followed to conduct the study. 8 villages of Jorhat district which are located within the radius of 50 kilometre from ATIC were selected on random basis. From the 8 villages, 120 respondents were selected purposively by using snowball sampling technique. The collected data were systematically arranged, classified, tabulated and analyzed with the help of different statistical techniques and tests namely frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, weighted mean score, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, test of significance of correlation coefficient and chi-square test. The findings of the study revealed that 17.50 per cent respondents had low, 60.83 per cent respondents had medium and 21.67 per cent respondents had high level of overall personal and economic empowerment. The study indicated that age had negative and significant relationship, whereas operational land holding and annual family income of the respondents had positive and significant relationship with personal and economic empowerment of the respondents. It was found from the study that caste, education, occupation and social participation of the respondents had significant association with personal and economic empowerment of the respondents. From the study it can be concluded and recommended that various extension strategies like market led extension, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) led extension and agrepreneurship led extension should be implemented in integrated approach to enhance the empowerment of farmers.
关键词:Agricultural technology information centre;Assam Agricultural University;Jorhat;personal and economic empowerment of farmers