期刊名称:Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:This study focused on exploring the weather variability induced instability in agriculture in the Odisha, India. In this study, growth and instability in ten major crops are analysed, followed by a depiction of weather variability in Odisha and then the association between weather variability and instability in selected crops are analysed using regression analysis. It is observed that weather variability is a major concern in the state of Odisha. In the context of agrarian economy of Odisha, the dimensions, magnitude and erratic nature of the weather variability and extreme weather events have made the situation more complex. Wide variations are observed in the rainfall both across time and space in the state. The long term average rainfall is indicating a declining trend. The weather variability has produced profound negative effects on agricultural production and yields in the state, causing agricultural fluctuations and has been a serious threat to the agrarian economy. Empirical findings lend credence to the negative effects of weather variability on agricultural yield and the regression analyses of yield instability on weather variability have only reaffirmed the same. The negative effects of weather variability on crop yield leads to a clear policy implication of proper provisioning of irrigation and weather variability resistance crop for increasing the crop yields and reduce the crop yield instability.